Agriculture Day at the Elementary


On Friday, September 3rd, Riverdale Elementary school had Ag Day. Third through fifth graders rotated through stations in the morning, and kindergarten through second grade rotated through in the afternoon. FFA members from the high school went over to help out during Ag day. They were teaching the kids about all kinds of agriculture. From animals, to tractors, to some chores farmers do on a daily basis, they learned it all. The students were able to see many different animals like beef cows, pigs, goats, horses, and bees! It was a great way for students to spend some time out of the classroom, and have fun while learning about agriculture. It’s important for kids to gain more knowledge on different aspects of agriculture, especially since we live in a more rural area. It was a great experience for the students at the elementary school, and they had a lot of fun!

By: Avery Burbridge 

Jason Dennhardt